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Senin, 27 Desember 2010


happy 7th anniversary for our DBSK oppa.....
hope U always be down to earth person...
didnt forget from where U are....
always be humble person....
always fighting for everything that U did...
always smile and dont let the sadness come to U all...

and i hope, U all will be back as 5....
no one will hurt U all anymore....
no one will let U all down....
no one will let U all separated like now...
no more tears....
only smile at your face....
and only hug for calming each other when they cry....

i didnt know until when....
but i believe all 5 of U....
will be back together again....
with lovely smile....
with lovely voice....
with tears of joy because the happiness....
and singing for us again.....

we, all cassiopeia....
always waiting for that moment....
the moment when U all back....
the moment when all of U smile to us...
the moment of happiness....
moment when U all say....
"annyeong haseyo, dong bang shin ki imnida"

until that day comes....
we, all cassiopeia...
together and forever...
for making our faith and make us believe...
that all of U will be back as 5....
not 2, not 3, but 5....

the words for making us stronger.....
the words that always we scream....
the words that we always say....
the words that always we write in everywhere....
the words that make we keep our faith about U....
thats was....


-made by me-
*backsound: dont say goodbye by dbsk*

Kamis, 18 November 2010

mendadak emoo.... mendadak emo bwd bln ini....
bln yg bikin stres dgn byk mslh yg dtg...
bln yg dimana emosi gw udh memuncak....
bln yg dimana gw muak sama smua yg lg gw jalanin...
bln yg dimana pgn bgd bikin gw buru2 wd cptn slesai sama yg lg gw jlnin ini...
pokoknya bnr2 gw muak bgd ama PKL!
gw pgn cptn kelar, pgn cptn udhan....
gw udh muak, bnr2 muak ama smuanya!
gw cm pgn balik lg kaya sblm bbrp bln trakir....
gk kaya skrg, asli gw muak!
bln2 kmrn itu bkn kaya gw sbnrnya...
bs dblg, itu kaya org lain....
bkn gw yg asli...bkn bgd....

gw capek...
capek ati, capek fisik, capek tenaga, capek pikiran....
capek ama smuanya....
capek musti brubah ky bkn gw....
capek musti pendem ini smua....
capek musti kaya gini.....

emang bwd x ini kesabaran gw di uji abis2an....
tp apa gw bs ngelewatinnya?
kadang gw suka kesel sendiri sama yg lg terjd skrg...
tp gw cm bs pasrah....asli pasrah....

gw udh gk mikirn lg gmn ntar itu tmp gw tinggalin kelar dr PKL...
gw udh gk mikirin lg gmn nasib mereka yg gw ajarin....
gw cm mikir gmn nilai dan cpt2 lulus dr kmpz...
egois? iya gw akuin itu...
gw bkn org yg suka berlama2 dgn tmp yg gw gk suka...
gw lbh milih ada di toko dbanding dsana...
asli gw akuin itu!

gw cm pgn smua ini udhan...
gw pgn cptn kelar...
gw gk sanggup ama beban ini...
gk sanggup....bikin nyesek....

cukup bwd beberp bln ini gw udh nyusain bokap dgn nganterin gw pagi2 buta bwd nyari bis supaya bs brangkat pagi...
cukup bwd beberp bln ini gw slalu dpt kata2 "kasian amad lu, PKL lu jauh gtu...mang gk bs pindah apa? kan ada tuh deket rmh"
cukup bwd beberp bln ini gw ngabisin duit yg lumayan byk bwd transpot gw kesana...
cukup bwd beberp bln ini gw mendem perasaan gw...
cukup bwd beberp bln ini fisik gw kesiksa...
cukup, cukup...

meskipun gw dsana cm 3x sminggu...
tp bebannya berat bgd...
huff...ntah sampai kpn gw bs bertahan...
smoga aja iman gw msh kuat bwd ngejalanin ini smua....

sankyuu bwd tmn2 gw yg slalu ngedukung gw...
anak bk 06....
my beloved danger grup (esp my baby asa, my baby jeany, aiko, hyu ra, jaellen eomma, yunnie appa, borisu oppa, chunnie oppa, minnie dongsaeng)
my beloved fb family baik itu roleplayer dr uri oppa, bling, my baby minnie smuanya...
sodara gw mimi...
bwd smua yg jd guardian angel gw....
esp my umma ai, yg sabar bgd ngedengerin mslh gw slama ini...
umma ai yg slalu nyemangatin gw...
esp yg tak terhingga bwd nyokap bokap...
meskipn gw gk blg apa yg lg gw alamin, tp berkat doa mereka gw yakin bs ngelewatin ini smua....



Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

get well soon ^^

okay people....
udh mulaikan nih musim sakit....
cuaca udh gk beres gitu....
kadang ujan kadang panas...
bahkan kadang2 suka angin ribut pula....
jd bwd yg lg super duper sibuk jaga kesehatan ya...
*sekalian ngingetin diri sendiri*
klo kemana2 bawa payung, jaket...
gk p2 deh berat2in tas drpd sakit mending korbanin deh bawa tas gede2 bwd itu...

mw ngucapin get well soon bwd mamanya umma yg dirawat di rs...
get well soon jg bwd my dongsaeng, asa....
cepet sadar yah baby, klo gk suruh cinta ketekin nih biar bangun lg >o<
dont make everyody arround you worried you know >o<
ahhh...really, hope eomma and other oppa know it...
they will panic with this!
so, ppali irona!!!!!!
still hoping that we're gonna adventure to meet uri oppa at korea, remember that?
haish~ jjinja, YA! ppali irona!!!!!!!

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010


owkayyyy...back again with me....
ms. sishi kawaii yg skrg pd mlesetin jd zizi gr2 nama kucingnya jaellen eomma yg begitu....
iya bnr bgd, zizi itu kucing lucu punyana jaellen eomma....
ada tuh yg potonya ama dy dmasukin ke box kue gtu gr2 tuh kucing kecil bgd....kucingna melas gtu mukanya....
eomma tega bnr da ah, mending bwd aq ajah tuh neko >o<
*dilempar panci sama eomma*

ehhhh....lah kuq malah jd ngebahas neko yo?
hahahahahahhaahha..biarin ah, abis lucu c....

klo gtu skrg ngebahas ttg kebangkitan sesudah putus....
*cailah bahasana da ah shi-chan....*

jujur ya, aye nih org yg klo putusna bs dtrima dgn akal sehat pasti dgn lapang hati dan lapang dada bwd bs trima apapn itu alesannya...
cm klo alesannya yg gk beres kaya mendadak pgn sendiri tp ternyata udh punya pcr lg, nah itu patut dhajar lekong yg begitu...
emang dikata kita boneka apa ya?
gini2 kitakan baik hati dan sensitif....
*gk ada yg ketawa, serius mode on*

biasanya c klo diputusin/putus dul wkt jaman2nya msh ada yah pasti meweklah bentar...
pasti sesek jglah th dada pas tw yg biasanya punya pcr mendadak dh gk da krn putus itu td...
tp abis itu aye yg ada malah ketawa ketiwi kaya org dodol...
*gk percaya? tanya deh ma tmn2 aye xDDDD*
krn aye yakin, klo nt lekong blm jd jodoh aye jd bwd apa dtangisin lama2?
toh ntu org jg gk bakalan balik lg ama qt....
capek2 nangis ampe mata udh kaya mata kodok, yg ada liat dy ama cwe lain brasa pgn bunuh tuh org....
gk dpt orgnya malah bunuh diri sendiri....
what a silly things that you've already done girls!
yahhh...jd klo mw cara gila c abis putus tetep tuh nangislah bntr...
abis itu, KAROKEAN!!!!!
triak dah tuh kenceng2 mw nyanyi apaan ampe suara abis xDDDD
tp lagunya jgn lagu mewek, laguna yg bs bikin qt bangkit lg....

klo aye c lagu yg bikin bangkit lg yaaa....laruku ready steady go...
huahahahahahahhahaa gk nyambung ya?
slain itu laguna dbsk mirotic....
yup2, i got youuu...under my skin xDDDD
gk tw kp itu lagu keren ajah gtu bwd nyemangatin....
terus laguna shinee replay *noona noem yeppo*
ganti ajah lirikna jd na neun nemo yeppo xDDD
*narsissss xDDDDDDDD*
trz kara pretty girls, yup it lagu mang bwd narsis2an kuq XDDDDD
*ditabok gr2 saking narsisnya*

yah itulah list2 lagu....
ada jg c yg headbeng macem maximum the hormone xDDDD
*makin gk beres :p*

tp klo skrg c lg suka ma JYJ long way...
abis laguna gs bgd ^o^/
nungguin yg interational album....
pgn nnt konsernya pasti gk bs deh....
gk bakalan dibolein itu TToTT
*i hope miracle*

liat gmbr cassiopeia...
kpn yah ada lg di langit ada rasi cassiopeia lg?
enak tuh nongkrong malem2 sambil liat trus nyanyi toki wo tomete....
ahhhhh...klo punya kamera dipoto x tuh >o<
kpn yah ada lg....
masa musti nunggu lg c?
bintang merah, dtglah kembali.....

lah jd ke bintang deh hehehehehehehehehe.....
haduh, bsk ngajar lg ToT
cepatlah kelar >o<

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

ready to fall?!

udh oktober ajah sodara2 seiman dan setanah air....
bntr lg bakalan kelar PPL....
emang c tmp aye PPL skrg bs dblg jauh...
tp untungnya mereka pulang jam stengah satu, gk kaya dsini jam 3 baru pulang...
klo mereka pulang jam 3 ntah apa jdnya aye djln...
itu ajah kadang2 suka tedur di angkot ampe nyampe pulogadung....
ntar nyambung tdr lg pas ke arah kmpg mlayu....
makin kaya bolang ajah dah aye xDDDD
*bolang=bocah ilang bkn bocah petualang*
alhasil skrg gendut lg >o<
kaga mw gendut lg aye, kagaaaaaaaaa.....
*mewek diketek dolphin trz pindah ke panda pindah ke mal pindah ke konci*

klo liat anak2nya yg dskolah....
critanya ada yg kocak...
ada jg yg sedih....
ada jg yg minta dibejek2....
msh smp udh malakin org....
asli, minta dilempar tuh ke jurang yg kaya gtu....
puyeng ngadepin anak2 yg bgtu....
mana berantai pula kasusnya....
ampun dah ampuuuuunnnnn......
smoga cpt kelar kasusnya...

ahhhh...mulai banjir even lg....
mayan bwd replesing *apa deh*
abis mupeng gk bs nntn JYJ konser...

jae eomma ucingna lucuuu....
like owner like pet deh....
*lirik kanan kiri takut eomma girang*
*ditabok pake panci*

huaaaa.....kmana lg bs nonton sungkyunkwan scandal yg eng subs...
di viikii kaga ada...
kimchi jg kaga ada....
gw baru nntn ampe episode 7 tauuu.....
yg 8-10 blomaaannnn.....
mw liat chunnie oppa >o<
*garuk2 tanah*
pnasaran jdnya gmn itu....
mana makin seru lg critanya gr2 soo jong ki dodol noh bikin ngakak xDDD
*ditabok soo jong ki*

hummm...apalg ya?
sebnrnya c msti tdr gr2 bsk pagi musti ke tanah abang...
cm kaga bs tdr gr2 td udh tdr xDDD
nntn dulu dah jdnya hihihihihihihi......

pay-pay \(^o^)/

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

still in my room...

it'a already september nee?
huff...time go soooo fast....
i didnt realize how fast time that already go...
6 day again we'll meet iedul fitri...
it's means, ramadhan will end...
really, this year was so fast....
is it only me or all of you feel it too ^^
aahhh...enough with that ^^
just say, welcome to all of you ^^
got news about baby taemin...
he's been bullying at his school since he's debut..
it means since he got his mushroom hair...
and it goes until ring ding dong era....
poor my baby taemin TToTT
i ♥ his beautifull smile, but why does stupid people bullying him?
just because he's celebrity? stupid reason!!!!
baby eh gee...
hwaiting \(^o^)/

while listening to my playlist...
suddenly this song coming up ad make me wont stop listening it...
in my room by shinee...
well, only key, jonghyn and onew sing it...
but after i saw the translation of this song....
*again and again* it's sooo meeee xDDD
this song remain me about waiting that person back...
or maybe, trying to let it go...
i know thats gonna be so hard but i must try to fight it...
and i know i will find someone better than that ^^
and also my onichan too ^^
hwaiting onichan \(^o^)/

wanna know the meaning of this song?
just cek it out ^^

Translation In my room

(ON) I close my eyes in this sleepless night
And recollect my thoughts of you
I hate myself, who knew nothing
I turn on the lights and look around my room
(JH) My eyes come to a halt as I look at the dimly lit spot
Where I put that birthday present I didn't throw away
and everything of you

(ALL) Cause you were my sun, the moon

You were my everything and
Everything in my room seems to miss you
If I get tired putting myself in harm's way to find you
and forget for a moment
(ON) our hidden memories still linger
(JH) cause you're still in my room

(JH+KY) Wandering the sea of life, all the lost dreams

are in the corners of my desk drawers
you were hidden within them
(ON) A picture of you I found in a box, under a layer of dust
A love letter filled with my young heart
and everything of you

(ALL) Cause you were my sun, the moon

You were my everything and
Everything in my room seems to miss you
If I get tired putting myself in harms way to find you
and forget for a moment
(ON) our hidden memories still linger
(JH) cause you're still in my room

(ON) Even if I throw it away,

again and again
(KY) I want to call you
(JH) and see you smiling in front of me
I want to keep you right here

(ALL) Cause you were my sun, the moon

You were my everything and
Everything in my room seems to miss you
If I get tired putting myself in harms way to find you
and forget for a moment
(ON) our hidden memories still linger
(JH) cause you're still in my room

huahhh...thats was great songs ^o^/

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

ngeblog diskulaan xDDD

gw ngerasa kosong ajah bwd skrg2 ini..
gw ppl? like a kind of bodyguard of room...
jagain ruangan cin.....
emang mereka pd aktif drpd gw...
gw emang gk terbiasa untuk itu smua....
lgpula klo kosong ruanganna jg serem...
pd bawa duitlah, laptoplah, hplah....
gw takut ajah kaya gitu, makana gw cenderung untuk ada diruangan sini...
gw ngerasa jauh ajah sama mereka...
bnran, jauhh...bgd...
kecil bgd x klo menurut gw....
klopun ada itupun jg cm sesaat abis itu  udh ilang lg...
yah, sejenis itulah gw dsini...
mw gk mw harus bs tahan gw dsini..
se enggaknya untuk beberapa bln ke depan...
selesai lbh cepet jg lbh baik...
pgn cepet2 kelarin ini smua...
lelah...bosan aq dengan penat...
*lah, AADC gini*

bntr lg libur....
yippie \(^o^)/
tp musti nyari materi sebanyak2nya biar gk garing pas ngajar hehehehehehe....
anaknya sumpah pd gk bs diem....
begerak mulu...ngomong mulu...
pusyang saia jdnya hahahahahahahhaa....

apalg ya?
masa td pas mw brangkat liat bintang2 gtu...
ngebentuk huruf W pula....
haduh, tandanya apa yah itu?
pokokna always keep the faith \(^o^)/

skian dulu ahh...
mw main2 ajah dulu hwehehehehehhe....

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010


hiahh....udh agustus yah?
cepet amad deh perasaan...
*telat lu twnya*
udh mw puasa pula....
asli, gk berasa bgd >o<
wkt tuh jlnna cpt bgd ya?
tiba2 udh brubah lg....
udh ganti lg....
bnr2 gk nyangka bs kaya skrg....
kekuasaan Tuhan yg sedang bekerja...
bnrkan ^o^v

oh iyah...
ttg PPL....
jdna tetep kuq di 284...
brangkat pagi dr rmh...
tp dbalik itu smua, dberi kemudahan jg...
gk musti tiap hr ksana...
ngajar cm 2 hari...
trz Alhamdulillah jamnya bkn jam pertama...
meskipun tantangannya adalah klz paling pinter....
tp shi-chan pasti bs \(^o^)/
tenang shi-chan, cm ampe desember....
pasti shi-chan bs ngelewatinnya....
shi-chan hwaiting \(^o^)/
*jd kangen dsmangatin danger grup xDDD
makana buruan ol donk, kerja mulu...
kasian ini pd kangen TToTT*

liat yg goodbye my love jd nangis...
*bkn goodbye my love 8eight ya, beda lg..meskipun dsitu jinwoon 2am msh muda bgd xDDDD*
tp krn modelnya di mv itu yunho appa, jdna ngliatin appa mulu deh xDDDD
pas nemu mv yg da lirik ma translitannya, asli nangis kejer....
nih mvnya

nangis? gk nanggung ayeee xDDDD
pokokna sedih bgdkan ma lagunya?
kasian kan yunho appa dsitu?
tp suka jg c yg pas lg di taman bermain...
yunho appa beli balon banyak bgd....
appa ngebayangin joongie eomma ya?
ahh....malah jd kangen yunjae xDDDD
ada jg c yg yunjae version....
cari sendiri ye...
dr yg biasa ampe ada yg make NC-21 hwehehehehehe....
tp sukana yg gk make NC-21, dpt ajah gtu critanya....
buahahahahhaha....*dlempar panci*

sbnrnya ada crita dbalik ntu lagu...
yup, it's all bout him ^^
hufff....annyong nae sarang...
atau goodbye my love....
trz apalg ya lanjutanna?
ada deh pokokna di mvna....
jdna bs ngerti trs bs nyanyiin jg xDDDD

tp suka ma kata2 terakhirnya...
intinya c  cwe blg klo skrg pisah dulu tp nanti suatu saat pasti ketemu lg,jaga diri baik2 slama dsana...goodbye my love..goodbye...
hueee...meweeekkkk TToTT
itu yg lg aye rasain dr ni lagu.....

udh jam sgini...tdr ah!

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010


maapkan aq yg sudah lama gk apdet ini blog...
biasa lg blom dpt apa yg mw dtulis dsini ^^
sblmnya mw menyambut kedatangan "PACAR" baru kermh....
hayo pd mikirnya pacar bnran yaaa....
bkn kuq bukaannn.....
pacarku skrg nambah lg....
ada tetsuya c notebook ama blue mp4 + stars headphone...
sygna stars headphone patah gr2 gk sengaja ketiban, alhasil patah sbelah dah *mewek*
ntar nyari lem deh biar bs dpake lg....
suarana enak bgd soalnya...
hikksss...kabulkan ya Allah.....Amien....

sxan jg mw ngucapin congrats bwd kk ijal alias kajel ama c tante ary yg baru dpt anak pertama namanya astrid dpanggilna acid...
anaknya lucu tante...imuuuutttttt >o<

mw crita jg ahh....
ttg pengalaman dtg ke skolah smp 284 cakung...
meskipun jauh dr rmh tp pas dskolahannya adem hihihihihi...
gk p2 kuq klo ruang BK kecil, krn aslinya guru BK dsana cm satu dan itu bln dpn rencananya mw lahiran...
alhasil dy seneng bgd nrima qt dsana....
doain kita yah smua biar sukses....
dan untungnya libur lebaran tuh 2 minggu jd bs ke toko....
yaiy yaiy \(^o^)/
lumayan duitnya itung2 bs dpake bwd apaan gtu ntar...
niat c pgn beli LG Lollipop,,,,,naksir bgd bnran...
syg gk dual simcard TToTT
klo dual simcardkan enak bs pake dua kartu xDDDDD
smoga bs terkabul...Amien.....

ow iyah, smoga bs pake sistem shift2an jg dskolah...
smoga bs ngajuin ke ibuna bwd bgasi keringanan biar bs nyampe skolah agak siang bkn pagi2 buta,,,,
pan gk blh nge kost ^^
lgpula klo ngekos yg beres2 rmh sapa?
meskipun cm bantuin nyapu, ngepel, sama nyetrika se enggaknya itu jg udh ngeringanin beban nyokap jg...
gk mw liat nyokap sakit....
makana smoga bs ttg shift2an itu...
harapan terakhir dan satu2nya biar bs plong pas ngajar....
smoga dikabulkan ya Allah...amien.....

ahh...cukuplah masalah PPL....
ganti masalah lain yukk.......
cerita soal yg lain lg ^^

story about me n B...
he's back!!!! but in the end i cant reach him again...
he's already fly away and already gone from me...
he's just simply need me as a friend not more...
it's all because my relationship?
ahh...hope U know what the truth behind it...
but, i guess you already find another one...
i'm ok with it...
as long as you happy and i can see your smiling....
all i can do is staring at the sky and make wish at the stars...
what will gonna happend next in my life....

tell me little lie
Please, tell me little lie
So that I can hear you
Now the snow piles up, enveloping me

Longway people
Longway people
Just crying... crying... crying... Can I forget?

Blurred in the memories,
The number of my tears (my heart will dry)
Are countless, like the stars
-tohoshinki,kiss shita sayonara-

ahhhh....akhirna nangis jgkannn...
hihihihihihihi...ampun deh shi-chan....
sxan krn kangen ma eomma, appa, oppa's&dongsaeng yah?
mereka pasti bakalan dtg lg kuq...
kan eomma pasti nyariin danger group hehehhehehehe....

mwo?! stengah 2 o.O
hayo dah tdr, ntar mw nemenin nyokap blanja jg >O<
oyasumi nasai......

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010


huahhhh...already july....
thats sign for next month is fasting month....
cant believe we'll meet Ramadhan again....
are U happy guys? i'm happy :)

well...thats not the point that i wanna share now...
maybe next month i'll write it ^^'s all about B "again"
since his phone already broken up into pieces...
it's make him didnt have cellphone again...
and that's why i lost him again.....

yeah i have it already....
but it just......
only some people know the truth...
i'll never tell it here...
*or maybe i'll cut it at my secret diary ^^*

last time we're contact...
it was so beautifull....
with his aegyeo *it means cute stuff* it makes me smile again...
with his kindness, it makes me fell so comfoteable with it...
now, he's suddenly gone....
praying that he'll be come again....
and makes my day so colourfull....

i've found this song, while i'm watching God of study *again*
it's call "because i'm weary" from ernest....
this songs, so fit to me ^^
here's the lyrics&translation:


maeumeul dudeurineun kkumiraneun meon hutnarui iyagideul
du soneul ppeodeobwado daheul su eomneun eoryeomputan punggyeongdeul

Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.
Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.

sumi makhil deut naedallyeoganeun i sesang sogeseo
hollo gwireul makgo eorin sijeorui noraereul bureunda.
kkeutdo sijakdo eobsi jaranan gieogui supeseo
irijeori hemaeda meonguljin gaseumeul dallaenda.

Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.

himgyeoun oneul haru yunanhido tteollyeooneun simjangsori
eolgureun jjinggeuryeodo jiul su eomneun seomeokhan dugeungeorim

Because I love you, Cause I love you.

sirin baramgyeori otgiseul tturko gaseume daheumyeon
chama itji motan geu ttae ildeuri nun apeul garinda.
eoriseogeun banghwanggwa gonoeui pyeonghaengseon wieseo
jageun ttambangureul dakkanaerimyeo sumeul goreunda.

Because I love you, Cause I love you.

sumi meojeul deut naedallyeoganeun i sesang sogeseo
hollo gwireul makgo eorin sijeorui noraereul bureunda.
kkeutdo sijakdo eobsi jaranan gieogui supeseo
irijeori hemaeda meonguljin gaseumeul dallaenda.

Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.
Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.

credits: bapiza @ soompi

The old and aged story called “dream” now knocks on my heart..
The familiar scenery that’s too far away to be touched
because I`m weary cause I`m weary
because I`m weary cause I`m weary

Among the clingy world that’s walled out
I plug my ears and sing the song from my childhood
Within the memory of forest that has no start or end
Then I soothe my bruised heart from wandering in the forest
because I`m weary cause I`m weary
Today, another hard day…
The unexpected sound of thumping heart
The thump that can’t be forgotten even if I frown my face
Because I love you, cause I love you
Because I love you, cause I love you

Once the cold wind touches the heart
The unforgettable events covers my eyes
Naïve heart, the night full of trouble and on top of the lines
I’m gasping for breath as I wipe the sweat
Because I love you, cause I love you
Among the clingy world that’s walled out
I plug my ears and sing the song from my childhood
Within the memory of forest that has no start or end
Then I soothe my bruised heart from wandering in the forest
because I`m weary cause I`m weary
because I`m weary cause I`m weary

well...thats song that suits me now ^^
akira...chanzey miss U so much ^^
miss U B :)

must go sleep now >O<
bye bye :)


huahhhh...already july....
thats sign for next month is fasting month....
cant believe we'll meet Ramadhan again....
are U happy guys? i'm happy :)

well...thats not the point that i wanna share now...
maybe next month i'll write it ^^'s all about B "again"
since his phone already broken up into pieces...
it's make him didnt have cellphone again...
and that's why i lost him again.....

yeah i have it already....
but it just......
only some people know the truth...
i'll never tell it here...
*or maybe i'll cut it at my secret diary ^^*

last time we're contact...
it was so beautifull....
with his aegyeo *it means cute stuff* it makes me smile again...
with his kindness, it makes me fell so comfoteable with it...
now, he's suddenly gone....
praying that he'll be come again....
and makes my day so colourfull....

i've found this song, while i'm watching God of study *again*
it's call "because i'm weary" from ernest....
this songs, so fit to me ^^
here's the lyrics&translation:


maeumeul dudeurineun kkumiraneun meon hutnarui iyagideul
du soneul ppeodeobwado daheul su eomneun eoryeomputan punggyeongdeul

Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.
Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.

sumi makhil deut naedallyeoganeun i sesang sogeseo
hollo gwireul makgo eorin sijeorui noraereul bureunda.
kkeutdo sijakdo eobsi jaranan gieogui supeseo
irijeori hemaeda meonguljin gaseumeul dallaenda.

Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.

himgyeoun oneul haru yunanhido tteollyeooneun simjangsori
eolgureun jjinggeuryeodo jiul su eomneun seomeokhan dugeungeorim

Because I love you, Cause I love you.

sirin baramgyeori otgiseul tturko gaseume daheumyeon
chama itji motan geu ttae ildeuri nun apeul garinda.
eoriseogeun banghwanggwa gonoeui pyeonghaengseon wieseo
jageun ttambangureul dakkanaerimyeo sumeul goreunda.

Because I love you, Cause I love you.

sumi meojeul deut naedallyeoganeun i sesang sogeseo
hollo gwireul makgo eorin sijeorui noraereul bureunda.
kkeutdo sijakdo eobsi jaranan gieogui supeseo
irijeori hemaeda meonguljin gaseumeul dallaenda.

Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.
Because Im weary, Cause Im weary.

credits: bapiza @ soompi

The old and aged story called “dream” now knocks on my heart..
The familiar scenery that’s too far away to be touched
because I`m weary cause I`m weary
because I`m weary cause I`m weary

Among the clingy world that’s walled out
I plug my ears and sing the song from my childhood
Within the memory of forest that has no start or end
Then I soothe my bruised heart from wandering in the forest
because I`m weary cause I`m weary
Today, another hard day…
The unexpected sound of thumping heart
The thump that can’t be forgotten even if I frown my face
Because I love you, cause I love you
Because I love you, cause I love you

Once the cold wind touches the heart
The unforgettable events covers my eyes
Naïve heart, the night full of trouble and on top of the lines
I’m gasping for breath as I wipe the sweat
Because I love you, cause I love you
Among the clingy world that’s walled out
I plug my ears and sing the song from my childhood
Within the memory of forest that has no start or end
Then I soothe my bruised heart from wandering in the forest
because I`m weary cause I`m weary
because I`m weary cause I`m weary

well...thats song that suits me now ^^
akira...chanzey miss U so much ^^
miss U B :)

must go sleep now >O<
bye bye :)