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Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010


maapkan aq yg sudah lama gk apdet ini blog...
biasa lg blom dpt apa yg mw dtulis dsini ^^
sblmnya mw menyambut kedatangan "PACAR" baru kermh....
hayo pd mikirnya pacar bnran yaaa....
bkn kuq bukaannn.....
pacarku skrg nambah lg....
ada tetsuya c notebook ama blue mp4 + stars headphone...
sygna stars headphone patah gr2 gk sengaja ketiban, alhasil patah sbelah dah *mewek*
ntar nyari lem deh biar bs dpake lg....
suarana enak bgd soalnya...
hikksss...kabulkan ya Allah.....Amien....

sxan jg mw ngucapin congrats bwd kk ijal alias kajel ama c tante ary yg baru dpt anak pertama namanya astrid dpanggilna acid...
anaknya lucu tante...imuuuutttttt >o<

mw crita jg ahh....
ttg pengalaman dtg ke skolah smp 284 cakung...
meskipun jauh dr rmh tp pas dskolahannya adem hihihihihi...
gk p2 kuq klo ruang BK kecil, krn aslinya guru BK dsana cm satu dan itu bln dpn rencananya mw lahiran...
alhasil dy seneng bgd nrima qt dsana....
doain kita yah smua biar sukses....
dan untungnya libur lebaran tuh 2 minggu jd bs ke toko....
yaiy yaiy \(^o^)/
lumayan duitnya itung2 bs dpake bwd apaan gtu ntar...
niat c pgn beli LG Lollipop,,,,,naksir bgd bnran...
syg gk dual simcard TToTT
klo dual simcardkan enak bs pake dua kartu xDDDDD
smoga bs terkabul...Amien.....

ow iyah, smoga bs pake sistem shift2an jg dskolah...
smoga bs ngajuin ke ibuna bwd bgasi keringanan biar bs nyampe skolah agak siang bkn pagi2 buta,,,,
pan gk blh nge kost ^^
lgpula klo ngekos yg beres2 rmh sapa?
meskipun cm bantuin nyapu, ngepel, sama nyetrika se enggaknya itu jg udh ngeringanin beban nyokap jg...
gk mw liat nyokap sakit....
makana smoga bs ttg shift2an itu...
harapan terakhir dan satu2nya biar bs plong pas ngajar....
smoga dikabulkan ya Allah...amien.....

ahh...cukuplah masalah PPL....
ganti masalah lain yukk.......
cerita soal yg lain lg ^^

story about me n B...
he's back!!!! but in the end i cant reach him again...
he's already fly away and already gone from me...
he's just simply need me as a friend not more...
it's all because my relationship?
ahh...hope U know what the truth behind it...
but, i guess you already find another one...
i'm ok with it...
as long as you happy and i can see your smiling....
all i can do is staring at the sky and make wish at the stars...
what will gonna happend next in my life....

tell me little lie
Please, tell me little lie
So that I can hear you
Now the snow piles up, enveloping me

Longway people
Longway people
Just crying... crying... crying... Can I forget?

Blurred in the memories,
The number of my tears (my heart will dry)
Are countless, like the stars
-tohoshinki,kiss shita sayonara-

ahhhh....akhirna nangis jgkannn...
hihihihihihihi...ampun deh shi-chan....
sxan krn kangen ma eomma, appa, oppa's&dongsaeng yah?
mereka pasti bakalan dtg lg kuq...
kan eomma pasti nyariin danger group hehehhehehehe....

mwo?! stengah 2 o.O
hayo dah tdr, ntar mw nemenin nyokap blanja jg >O<
oyasumi nasai......

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