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Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

laporan soal gathering Cassiopeia at auditorium Ragunan ^^

sebenernya ini gath wkt tgl 18 kmrn tp baru sempet nulis skrg....
gk p2 lah ya mak xDDDDD

awal2nya itu....
biasanya, naek ojekri saking takut macet plus gk tw itu tmp ada dmana...
ragunan? okelah gw tw, tp gedungnya? itu dimanaaa >o<
stelah sampe dpnnya itu, tkg ojegnya nanya ama satpam...
clue bwd tmpnya itu dmnana bnr2 minim....
cm ada 2 balon merah, trs udh gitu aja...

finally, gw nyampe dgn badan sdikit bsh krn ujan2an...
*gerimis c lbh tepatnya*
untung gw pake jaketo bar, jaketo DB5K yg gw pesen lewat PO...
bahan jaketnya jg bagus, hahahahaha xDDDD
*gw jd pamer jaketo gini*
dan, iya gw lupa...
gw disana ngedate berdua ama fei-chan xD
anak gw yg satu itu yg biasnya changmin lord voldamin itu =='
krn gw byrnya ots, jd dpt bonus jg....
bonusnya kalung DB5K yg pikkunya itu dr konser mirotic 3rd asian tour sama stiker DB5K xD
ada jg yg versi balloons tp gk tw knp gw demen aja liat pikku itu...
*yg pasti krn junsu bikin angel pose hahahahahaha xDDDD*

baru nyampe, lg pd nonton banjun drama...
yg mana gw lupa judulnya klo gk slh mereka nyeritain ttg mereka ketemu sama pcr pertama....
sementara itu disana Cassie udh rame bgd ^^
bknnya nonton, gw ama fei-chan malah ngiter2 bwd nyari brg2 baru...
bosen? duduk deh sambil liat yg pada perform....
ternyata ada sing cover sama dance cover....
gw liat2 dan nonton mereka smua...
ada yg bgs ada jg yg gk...
klo sing cover entah knp gk begitu sreg bwd gw....
rata2 lagunya itu with all my heart tp ada jg yg bawain picture of you,proud sama medley gtu sambil ditutup sama puisi...
tp pas dance cover ada yg bgs ada jg yg gk....
dan ternyata kata fei-chan ada yg junior dikampus anak sasjep....
tp mereka bagus2 kok ^o^b
yg dance cover rata2 lagunya rising sun dicampur dgn lagu2 lainnya jg....
rising sun itu emang daebak ^o^b

meskipun gitu ada jg jedanya jd gk terus2an dance sama sing cover...
makan ke warteg sembari nyari minum jg...
lanjut lg ngacak2 liat stand2 jualan xDDD
terus ujung2nya tetep stand poto hanbok xDDD
gk tw demen aja gw, udh gitu murah lg xDDD
slh satunya aja ya potonya sisanya ada di fb xD

dilanjut lg dgn video2 ttg uri oppa deul....
ada jg yg baca puisi yg sukses bikin Cassiopeia pd nangis disana...
gw malah netes aja, sementara gw denger yg lain udh pd sesegukan hehehehe....
gw kaya yunho appa aje deh, meweknya klo udh ditempat sepi xDDDD
*yaiyalah, pan gw anak yunjae*

semakin sore semakin mulai pd balik....
dan ternyata, ada project, dan itu project ultahnya junsu my hubby xD
projectnya itu cm nyanyi sama tiup lilin yg kuenya panitia yg megang....
tp gk p2, seru xDDDD

*gw nyeritain secara acak gk p2 yak xD*

ada jg bintang tamunya....
the best K sama Heat 5...
keren2 smua hohohohohohoho XDDDDD
puas daahhh.......

ada jg c yg bagian poto2 banner....
ada banner yunjae *o*
cm krn ada jaejoong harem alias JYJ stans yg gk mw oppars dipairing2in...
jdnya agak susah minjem bwd poto...
tp stelah diyakinin akhirnya dy mau hihihihihi ^^
aku ini yunjae shipper neng T_________________T

ada byk jg c poto2nya...
mulai dr banner2 per member ampe poto2 narsis sendiri2...
dan itu udh ada di fb gw smua, huahahaha xDDDDD

kelar itu acara...
belanjo dikit, gw belanja kipas dan hr ini kipas gw ancur dgn bagusnya dikampus T_T
emang itu kipas gk blh gw bawa kmana2 kayanya...
ntar gw mw beli lg deh bwd gw sendiri >o<

ehh... malemnya....
paket gw nyampe yg dr linetic...
pesenan gw bagus2 xDDDD
terus dgn kerennya gw ngajak bokap nyokap mkn diluar...
dan pergi mkn lg gw, huahahahaha xDDDDD

sekian cerita gw dr gathering Cassie thn ini...
smoga thn dpn gw bs dtg lg ^^
n i'll always keep my faith to this 5 man....
jd inget komen di youtube "DB5K remainding me with *NSYNC"
n yup, gw jg ngerasa kaya gitu kok ^^
ampe skrg gw msh fansnya *NSYNC hohohohohoo xDDDD

bentar lg ultah DB5K ke 8thn...
dan bentar lg udh 3thn gw jd Cassiopeia pula ^^
i'll always keep my faith until you guys comeback ^^b

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011


saengil chukkae hamnidaa...
omedetou otanjoubi gozaimasu....
dear sishi-chan.....
happy bday to you.....
ohohohohohohoho xDDD
iyup2, tgl 4 kmrn gw ultah yg ke.....
kesekian lah pokoknya... udh tua saya =='
*gigit bantal*

ada tapinya ini bwd yg thn skrg....
*ketawa ala changmin*
jd yg inget bs dblg cm dikit wkwkwkwkwkwkwk :p
*joged db5k balloons*
 gk ada maksud apa2 kok, cm pgn tes aja, ini org2 pd apal gk kira2 tgl ultah gw, termsk sodara2 gw ataupn tmn2 gw baik smp ama sma beserta kuliah...
dan yup, hasilnya mengezutkan aja sodara....
dr sekian byk itu, bs dblg gk sampe separuh pd inget xDDDDDD
ketauankan skrg yg ahli stalking gw sapa.....
*ketawa ala xiah junsu*

ow iya ngomong2 judulnya purezento...
klo mslh kado tiap thn ke thn pasti beda2....
trakihir x gw dpt kado yg isinya mengezutkan itu adalah....
kerjaa anak2 mugele mumbe, ngasi gw bra trs isinya ada ttd anak2 sekelas =='
dan itu bra, msh ada ama gw ampe skrg, gw simpen dtmp tertentu biar gk dbuang ama nyokap xD

kalo skrg itu.....
*lompat lompat*
tp itu kenyataan..... dan itu kerjaan anak2 manis manja grup =='
sblmnya, manis manja grup itu adalah grup baru dkmps...
membernya itu anak2 kpop dgn fandom yg berbeda....
ada gw sama fei-chan:  Cassiopeia + inspirit (well, fei baru2 ini lg demen infinite xDDDD)
ada muthia: ELF (tp liat yg nyu2 doyan apalg brondong ==')
ada rista sama yance: ELF jg c tp mereka jg baru menjadi b2ty (b2ty= fansnya b2st)
ada jeje: c pecinta cwo2 unyu, apalg boyfriend... tp dy jg doyan ama yunho appa =='
ada QQ: ini jg bs dblg pecinta yg unyu2, klop dah klo ama jeje...
n yg trakhir itu ada rara: Hottest yg lg demen ama yoochun =='
begitu dah isinya anak2 manis manja grup....
ow iya, kadonya yak? ini nih....
 ituu dia topinyaaaa.... hahahahahahaha xDDDDD

nah, ada lg nih...
kado dr tmn gw jg tmp gw langganan dvd....
ahjumma sogel ^^
dy ngasi dvd kumpulan mv2nya DONG BANG SHIN KI... KYAAAAAAAA....
meskipun gk smua mv ada, tp seneng banget... HD booo xDDDDDD
 iyap... itu dvdnyaaa... wohohohohohoho xDDDDD
bahagia bgd dah gw dpt itu kado2 >////<

ah iyaa... sbnrnya mw nulis soal gath cassie hr ini tp berhubung koneksinya lg idiot, mungkin bsk aja x ya.....
ini mw upload poto aja lama bnr =='
*suruh changmin sembur pake api* 

Selasa, 22 November 2011


well, back again with me....
ms. kawaii in here...
hahahahahahahaahahaha xDDDD
*wae? don't like? go hate Urself :p*

ah well... just wanna share this....
dejavu that i feel since i'm at junior high school...
i got that from dream....
many people say dream doesn't exist...
but for me, some of the dream turn into reality!
 i don't know what happend =='

but, i'll share the story bout what i've done with my fandom Cassiopeia ^O^ <3
remember when JYJ dancing intoxication at thanks giving concert?
i already dreaming bout that bout 1 month before i know they'll held concert....
in my dream, all DB5K member where dancing that song at stage... and U know what happend?
JYJ dancing that song at stage!
*okey, even though not 5 but i say DB5K member dancing it*

remember when HOMIN listen JYJ be my girl song at press confrence bcoz someone using the song for ringtones?
in my dream, HOMIN did listen the song but i don't which one of JYJ song that they hear....
and i dream it about 1 month before it.....
*it turns to reality right?*

and next....
promotore from Indonesia ask to followers at twitter "JYJ or TVXQ HOMIN to concert at here?"
and suddenly i remember my dream....
i dream HOMIN come here 1st and at the homin concert there was VCR and it was JYJ on screen!
JYJ say "we're come at there too, but as 5! are you guys ready?!" and they say together "annyeonghaseyo, DB5K imnida!"

and now... i'm shaking now bout that....
and my tears also running out now.....
i hope that was true >o<
God, please made DB5K back again as 5.......

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

[TRANS] 111003 JYJ is the group from TVXQ!!!

Because JYJ is the group from TVXQ, I don't think we have to get rid of TVXQ image. (We) aren't worried whether we are on TOP. (We) just want people to keep listening to our songs for a long time.

T/N: not sure who is the one said this, but more likely to be Junsu. This is the interview from Korean newspaper.

เพราะว่าJYJเป็นกรุ๊ปที่มาจากทงบังชินกิ ผมไม่คิดว่าจะต้องลอกคราบออกจากการเป็นทงบังชินกิเลยครับ ไม่มีความกังวลด้วยคว่าจะต้องอยู่ TOP แค่อยากให้มีคนฟังเลพงของพวกผมไปนานๆ (ปล. ไม่แน่ใจว่าใครพูด น่าจะจุนซู)


Cr: sunfaTVXQ

Thai Trans:
Eng Trans:

*Please take it out with full credit*

Selasa, 27 September 2011

fandom world ^^ (part 1)

hello world ^o^
back back back, imawa...
back back back with me...
*upps, malah jd nyanyi gw*

mw crita dikit ahh...
entah gr2 apa stiap mw dondot album homin tone gk jd2 mulu...
ntar ada yg koneksinya matilah, yg lemotlah...
ada aja hambatannya...
skrg c lg nyoa dondot lg...
ampe nitip di warnet biar bs diambil hahahaha xDDD
saking desperadonya gw pgn dengerin itu album xD
smoga x ni bs didengerin, suka lagu2nya ^^
shi-chan hwaiting \(^o^)/

ow iyah...
balik lg ama tema bwd ni hari...
yes, it's fandom ^^
spt yg udh pd tw, gw itu punya byk fandom...
tp gw milih mereka krn sesuai dgn kualitas ^^
gw beda ama anak2 ababil skrg yg demen cm gr2 muka doank...
percaya gk, gw dr pertama x kenal yg namanya boyband gw itu suka sama lagu+suaranya...
urusan muka? yah kesekianlah ^^

boyband pertama yg bs dblg ampe skrg gw suka bgd itu BOYZONE.
yup, kalian tw gw gede di era 90-an...
tp gw jg tw NKOTB kok, krn dulu jaman bocah emak bapak gw punya videonya mereka hahahaha xDDDD
dan gw demen sama jordan knight
*krn dijaman itu dy ganteng bgd xDD*
balik lg ke BOYZONE skrg...
gw tw mereka jg krn tante gw yg kerumah muterin kasetnya mereka dan dimana jaman anak2 segede gw msh dengerin lagunya bondan sama agnez..
gw gede dgn lagunya aaron carter, crazy little party girl..
*eh buset, keren jg gw xDDD*
ahilah balik lg ke BOYZONE dah...
tw boyzone krn dialbum itu gw suka no matter what...
pdhal gw cm dengerin, knal muka mereka aja dr sampul kaset hahahaha xDDD
stelah diperatiin ternyata stephen gately itu ganteng ya... cm syg, gw baru tw klo dy udh RIP :(
dan ini dy bias gw xD
dulu ampe punya posternya, foto, pokoknya yg berhub ama mereka klo skrg dh dibuang ama ortu gw xDD tp kaset2 msh ada kok meskipun bs dblg udh gk pernah gw sentuh lg skrg....

terus, mulai nih jama boyband menggila...
muncul deh tuh kaya backstreet boys, *nsync, dan seabrek boyband2 baru lainnya....
tp diantara mereka, gw itu suka sama *NSYNC
krn lagi2 gw suka sama lagu2 mereka dan lagu itu it's gonna be me kkk~
lg2 gw mulai nyari2 ttg mereka...
kaset, vcd, majalah, masih ada tuh gw simpen xD
itung2 bwd kenangan gw klo lg nostalgila hahaha xD
gw msh inget bgd itu, gw suka membernya c Jc chasez sampe2 gw dipanggil ce'ez/chanzey wkt jaman gw smp xD
ni dy bias gw xD
yg ngasih nama? heungg~ my mr.B alias akira...
ah, tuhkan gw mw nangis klo inget dy ToT
krn dy itu dulu ska gw panggil sbg JT...
dan dy itu suka bgd sama JT....
hah udh, cukuupppppppp!!!!!!

skrg ke boyband lainnya...
gw jg suka A1 loh xDDD
dan lg2 gw suka krn lagu mereka like a rose...
dan gw suka ben adams 
yup2 rmbt belah tengah dgn lesung pipitnya yaoloh xDDDD
ampe dulu jg ada kasetnya, gmbr file orgy, poster dll xD

udh gitu gw jg demen backstreet boys!
yes yes, gw demen sama mereka krn lagunya mereka everybody, yg gw lh tw duluan dibanding sama *NSYNC gr2 bokap beli vcd yg ada lagu kompilasi gitu xD
dan membernya? gw demen ama nick carter
abangnya aaron carter yg udh ngisi hari2 gw wkt gw kelas 2 SD xDDDD
dan lg2 kaset, poster, vcd dll gw msh ada xDD
*gk herankan gw msh bocah gitu udh kenal dgn dunia fangirling? hahahaha xDDDDD*

asal pd tw, dulu nih jaman2 skolah...
bs dblg gw kaya radio berjln...
lagu baru gw tw smua...
*sampe skrg c*
krn gw gede dgn adanya radio disamping gw...
coba tanya gw dulu tontonan gw apaan?
paling gw jwb slain kartun, gw nonton mtv sama film2 luar kaya rosewell,smashville,clueless xDDD
betapa gahoelnya gw jaman dlu xDDDD
gk heran jg c, kluarga gw semuanya emang suka dengerin musik...
tp tetep, selera dikuping pasti beda2 ^^
tp klo udh dangdutan yg bnr2 bgs loh ya, qt pasti nimbrung xDDDD

pd mikirnya gw gk tw band Indokan?
jgn slh... gw jg gede pas jaman2nya sheila on 7,cokelat bahkan sampe kahitna!
well, kahitna masih gw ikutin c ampe skrg...
krn itu lagu2nya bgs smua kkk~
bs dblg gw msh sbg "sahabat kahitna"
*aseeekkkkkk xDDDD*

back again with dunia gw *apabeud*
meskipn dnia gw sempet terhenti dgn gw demen ama Linkin park
tp tetep aja gw demen sama mereka...
in the end berhasil bikin gw suka bgd sama mereka malah, gw dpt bias baru yaitu mike shinoda.
mike shinoda itu adalah cikal bakal dr nickname yg dr jaman gw smp sampe skrg msh gw sandang dgn bagusnya *ahey~*
dr awal pd nanya sama gw "knp nick lo sishi?"
singkatnya, sishi itu "aussie shinoda"
ngakak? kalian skrg bs ngakak...
klo jaman dulu nama gw itu paling keren...
*kibas rambut*
klo kawaii... yah pd twlah ya artinya ue kyang kyang xD *ketawanya ala xiah junsu*

mulai nih, jaman2 gw kenal band2 kaya laruku atau bs dblg L'arc-en-ciel dan lg2 gw nemu bias gw...
meskipun awalnya itu mami om hyde tp lama2 gw malah liatnya ke om tets alias tetchan...
atau gw ksh panggilan imut yaitu om tetchuu~
wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk xDDDD
abis imut2 bgd ni org...
ngerokok gk, minum gk, tatoan jg gk...
udh gitu dulu sempet ada ehem jg c ama basis...
hiahahahahaha xDDDD
tp tenang, smenjak liat ready steady go, gw udh melabuhkan hati gw ke om tetchuu~
*eh cieh bhs gw xDDD*
*ampun tante ayana*

stelah berkutat sama band2....
akhirnya gw balik lg sama dunia yg udh tumbuh dan berkembang sama gw....
yup, gw mulai lg dgn gw mengenal tohoshinki
dan lg2 gw cm suka gr2 lagu mereka yaitu begin.
gw harus say thanks bwd mantan penyiar iro2 babang barry amakusa yg muterin ini lagu xD
ampe gw tanya ini lagu sapa judulnya apa xDDD
dan lg2 gw kecantol ama suara khasnya xiah junsu disini bahkan ampe skrg gw msh suka bgd ama suaranya dy klo lg nyanyi...
dgn ini gw nyatakan klo bias gw itu xiah junsu

banyak iyaaaa....
tdnya mw dikelarin smua tp gk jd mw lanjut nanti aja soalnya dondotan kelar kkk~
ampe ketemu di fandom world part 2 xDDD

Senin, 26 September 2011


owkayyy... back again nee ^^
it's been a long time not write here....
before that, wanna say:
*today is mirotic days ^^*

well.. not only that...
wanna share what in my heart now...
sekripsi was like hell, nunggu DP gk diksh jg itu...
mending udh dibaca, lah ini? belom!!!
heuh, kpn gw lulusnya klo gini?
gw pgn lulus tauuuu T.T
*nangis diketek xiah*

yah, selain itu...
gw capek ditanyain ttg pacar...
hell, pacar? emang blh?
malah diblg "iya mana sini bawa, kenalin, diliat pas apa gknya bla bla bla"
preeeetttt..... pcrn apanya... liat ngobrol ama laki aja udh diplototin ini lg pcr...
hah, ngimpi!
paling cm bs terima nasib, dijodoin...
kaya kata sodara2 gw yg pd punya byk duit itu...
well, lbh baik gw ngabisin wkt gw dpn kompi jgkan?
meskipn ujung2nya dblg "apaan c? korea lg korea lg, jpg lg jpg lg. klo gini sapa yg mw ama lu?"
hah, don't care lah with that such thing...
toh klo gw ngomong jg gk bakalan didengerin...
kan gw cm bocah =='
sama kaya impian gw bwd bs nntn konser...
dan itu sepertinya susah bwd terwujud...
kan gw itu bocah =='
lg2 cm kata itu yg bs gw terima...
udh gitu dgn byk doktrin bla bla bla...
gw ngelawan dikit dblg kurang ajar...
gw diem makin dibikin ngamuk...
did ya think i'm not human?
i'm human too, for God sake.....
enak gitu di dpn org byk dijelek2in?
dgn lg "iya tuh, dykan demen gd ama jpg2 ama korea pdhal kan cm bla bla bla bla..."
*i can't say it in here*
dan lg2 gw cm dpt jwban: "gwkan bocah..."
heuh... makanya tiap ditanya2 gw cm bs ketawa miris..
kasian kan gw?

blom lg soal fandom gw Cassiopeia...
gw yg msh punya harapan klo DBSK balik lg berlima malah diblg stres gk bs trima kenyataan klo DBSK itu skrg cm berdua gr2 JYJ kluar....
maaf ya, JYJ stans, JYJ itu msh jd member DBSK!
mereka cm keluar dr manajemen bwd minta keadilan!
toh klo es empret itu ngabulin mereka jg alik lg berlima!
ini lg homin stans, sama aja!
klo urusan fandom, gw msh punya byk tmn2 yg sepemikiran ama gw...
yah, walaupun byk yg ngomong jelek diblkg gw...

yah, cm bs ketawalah liat idup gw skrg...
tw ampe kpn gw bs tahan kaya gini terus...
dibohongin org cm bs ketawa aja...
dijelek2in org diblkg, malah gw ketawa aja...
dikhianatin, malah ketawa aja gw...
makanya gw blg cm bs ketawa doank skrg...

kalian bs blg idup gw itu....

Senin, 05 September 2011

in heaven by JYJ

minal aidin walfaizin... maaf lahir dan batin.....
hehehehehee.... maaf telat smuanyaaaa :)

ow iyah, pd bingung ya knp judulnya in heaven by JYJ?
skrg mw bahas lagu ini gr2 teaser mvnya baru aja kluar....
*what? do you want me in english? males ah xDDD*

iya bnr, teasernya in heaven ini bar aja klar jam 00.00 wkt korea...
ya, klo disini jam 10.00pm lah ^^
nih dy teasernya:

disana ada xiah junsu ama jihyo *jihyo yg da di princess hour itu*
jd mereka disana akting sebagai couple gitu...
namanya jg teaser, cm bs nebak2 kan ya?
cm firasat blg nih katanya junsu yg mati *andweeeeee*
itu mv full version kluarnya tgl 15 september ini...
jdnya yah sabar dah nungguin xDDDD

itukan td teasernya, ini ada yg bikin fancam+lirik+arti dr lagunya itu...

msh kurang jg? ini nih....
“In Heaven”
Wiping away the miracle of seeing you
i won’t be able to live on
even when i’ve escaped from every dream
the first time i saw your image
it felt like i was drowning in the raindrops of this world
from where am i watching you?
even if there’s regret, there’s really no way of seeing you
memory of a shadow
moistness of a name
it’s there in that little memory
i can’t do it, really can’t do it
it’s like you’re by my side
not waiting, i’m not waiting anymore
i’ll try again to say something
i’ll try again to leave some memory
walking in the dreamscape
in my footsteps
afraid to close my eyes
don’t go, don’t leave
can’t you remain by my side
lies, all are lies
i can’t hear anything
love you, i love you
can’t you see that from one single line
love you, i love you
will you love me again
so fast, you have already clean forgotten
the tracks of finding you have also disappeared
this last path, adheres closely to my tears
again i inch a little closer (again it’s about the same)
….(i’ve also changed)
you’re not here by my side
i’m going to go now
i’m going to go
now i’m going to follow your path
follow an endless path
going everywhere to find you
i’m afraid that losing her will bring sadness
don’t go, don’t leave
can’t you remain by my side
lies, all are lies
i can’t hear anything
love you, i love you
can’t you see that from one single line
love you, i love you
will you love me again
don’t go, don’t go, can you remain here
lies, lies, i can’t hear
i love you, i love you, can you see that
i love you, i love you, will you love me
don’t go, don’t go, can you remain here
lies, lies, i can’t hear
i love you, i love you, can you see that
i love you, i love you, will you love me
don’t go, don’t go, can you remain here
lies, lies, i can’t hear
i love you, i love you, can you see that
i love you, i love you, will you love me
I beg you, come back to me
don’t go, don’t leave
can’t you remain by my side
lies, all are lies
i can’t hear anything
love you, i love you
can’t you see that from one single line
love you, i love you
will you love me again
Translation source: http://ww1.sinaimg.c…dfvpg1ghwyj.jpg

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

kim xiah junsu you are so beautifull (OST. Women Scent)

Artist :: Kim Junsu (김준수)
Title Album :: Scent of A Woman (여인의 향기) OST Part 2
Format :: Single, Studio
Title Track :: You Are So Beautiful
Genre :: Drama OST
Release Date :: August 05, 2011
Label | Distribution :: A Story | Loen Entertainment

Hangul and simple romanization

지금 난 너의 눈을 보며 운다
jigeum nan noye nuneul bomyo unda
네 맘을 보며 운다
ne mameul bomyo unda
애써 해맑게도
esso hemalkedo
쓴웃음 짓는 그 표정에
sseunuseum jitneun geu pyojonge

너를 담아두고 싶다
noreul damadugo sipda
그 바보같이 예쁜 꿈들과
geu babogachi yeppeun kkumdeulgwa
어설픈 모습을
osolpeun moseubeul

하루하루 네 모습이
haruharu ne moseubi
추억을 만들어 나 기억해
chuogeul mandeuro na giokhe
네 여린 손 흩어진 머리까지도
ne yorin son heutojin morikkajido

Forever you You are so beautiful
내 가슴에 밀려와
ne gaseume millyowa
스며와 다가와 번진 네 상처도
seumyowa dagawa bonjin ne sangchodo
Forever you You are so wonderful
시린 네 사랑도
sirin ne sarangdo
네 눈물도 내 아픈 상처를 지우죠
ne nunmuldo ne apeun sangchoreul jiujyo

널 사랑한다 널 사랑한다
nol saranghanda nol saranghanda

이제는 너를 안아주고 싶다
ijeneun noreul anajugo sipda
그 차가운 세상 끝에
geu chagaun sesang kkeute
홀로 서성이던 널
hollo sosongidon nol

하루하루 내 사랑이
haruharu ne sarangi
네 맘을 위로해
ne mameul wirohe
상처난 네 가슴에
sangchonan ne gaseume
내 기억들을 담는다
ne giokdeureul damneunda

Forever you You are so beautiful
내 가슴에 밀려와
ne gaseume millyowa
스며와 다가와 번진 네 상처도
seumyowa dagawa bonjin ne sangchodo
Forever you You are so wonderful
시린 네 사랑도 네 눈물도
sirin ne sarangdo ne nunmuldo
내 아픈 상처를 지우죠
ne apeun sangchoreul jiujyo

널 사랑한다 널 사랑한다
nol saranghanda nol saranghanda

한 순간 조차 잊지 말아요
han sun-gan jocha itji marayo
얼마나 얼마나 사랑했는지 기억해요
olmana olmana saranghenneunji giokheyo
For you

You are so beautiful
내 가슴에 밀려와 스며와
ne gaseume millyowa seumyowa
다가와 번진 네 상처도
dagawa bonjin ne sangchodo
Forever you You are so wonderful
시린 네 사랑도 네 눈물도
sirin ne sarangdo ne nunmuldo
내 아픈 상처를 지우죠
ne apeun sangchoreul jiujyo

널 사랑한다 널 사랑한다
nol saranghanda nol saranghanda
네 기억으로 살고싶다
ne giogeuro salgosipda

Hangul :: Melon Music
Romanization :: Chichan-Onew

Thank u so much :)

[TRANS] FULL KR/ENG LYRICS OF JUNSU “You Are so Beautiful (Woman’s Scent OST)

지금 난 너의 눈을 보며 운다 네 맘을 보며 운다 애써
I am crying right now while looking at your eyes I am crying looking at your heart painfully
해맑게도 쓴웃음 짓는 그 표정에
the innocently (face with) the bitter smile on that expression
너를 담아두고 싶다 바보같이 예쁜 꿈들과 어설픈 모습을
I want to keep you in like a fool those beautiful dreams and shabby look
하루하루 네 모습이 추억을 만들어
day by day your appearance create good memories
나 기억해 네 여린 손 흩어진 머리까지도
I remember from your delicate hands to your tousled hair
(Forever you) You are so beautiful 내 가슴에 밀려와 스며와 다가와 번진 네 상처도
(Forever you) You are so beautiful come into my heart, permeate in (into my heart) come closer (to my heart) and those swelled up wounds of yours
(Forever you) You are so wonderful시린 네 사랑도 네 눈물도 내 아픔 상처를 지우죠
(Forever you) You are so beautiful  that died-off love of yours too and your tears too wipe away my wounded pain

널 사랑한다 널 사랑한다
I love you I love you
이제는 너를 안아주고 싶다 그 차가운 세상 끝에 홀로 서성이던 널
Now, I want to hug the you who hover alone at the end of this heartless world
하루하루 내 사랑이 네 맘을 위로해 상처난 네 가슴에 내 기억들을 담는다
day by day my love consulate your heart. In your appearance afflicted with wound, memories are filled
(Forever you) You are so beautiful 내 가슴에 밀려와 스며와 다가와 번진 네 상처도
(Forever you) You are so beautiful come into my heart, permeate in (into my heart) come closer (to my heart) and those swelled up wounds of yours
(Forever you) You are so wonderful시린 네 사랑도 네 눈물도 내 아픔 상처를 지우죠
(Forever you) You are so beautiful  that died-off love of yours too and your tears too wipe away my wounded pain
널 사랑한다 널 사랑한다
I love you I love you
한 순간조차 잊지 말아요 얼마나 얼마나 사랑했는지 기억해요 for you
Don’t forget it even for a single moment. Remember how much, how much exactly did we loved for you
(Forever you) You are so beautiful 내 가슴에 밀려와 스며와 다가와 번진 네 상처도
(Forever you) You are so beautiful come into my heart, permeate in (into my heart) come closer (to my heart) and those swelled up wounds of yours
(Forever you) You are so wonderful시린 네 사랑도 네 눈물도 내 아픔 상처를 지우죠
(Forever you) You are so beautiful  that died-off love of yours too and your tears too wipe away my wounded pain
널 사랑한다 널 사랑한다
I love you I love you
네 기억으로 살고 싶다
I want to live with memories of you
Credit: @InHye87
Shared By: JYJ3

aaaaaa.... i'm in love with his voice ♥♥♥
i cant wait to see him acting in this drama...
he dance intoxication at there woohoooo *faint*

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

fixed star by infinite

Nan jugeodo andoeneun ge innabwa
neoreul itneun geotcheoreom
cham miryeonhal jeongdoro nan neoege
gaseumeul naejwonnabwa
siganeul doedollil su itdamyeon
mwodeun hal geotman gata
jogeum deo iljjik ireon saenggageul
haji motaetdeon geolkka (wae geureongeolkka)
da bujireomneun huhoe da kkeutnan irinde
naega neol ijeul su isseulkka
honja gyeondil su isseulkka
heullin nunmuri heotdoeji antorok
geuriwo chameul su isseulkka
aesseo useul su isseulkka
jinan siganmankeum deo geollil tejiman naneun
ni heunjeokdo jiwojuji geuraesseo
eopdeon iri doedorok
na gansinhi sum swigo itjiman
jugeoganeun geot gata (geureongeongabwa)
da bujireomneun huhoe da kkeutnan irinde
naega neol ijeul su isseulkka
honja gyeondil su isseulkka
heullin nunmuri heotdoeji antorok
geuriwo chameul su isseulkka
aesseo useul su isseulkka
jinan siganmankeum deo geollil tejiman
gieogi seuminda du nune eorinda
momburimchyeooneun jigeumdo
naneun hal su eomnabwa (bol su eomnabwa)
bonael suga eomnabwa
ni mamdo nae mamgwa gateulkka
honja apeujin anheulkka
ajik naegen geokjeongi doenabwa
ni eore nan jiwojyeosseulkka
yeongyeong jiwojyeobeorilkka
sasil ibyeolboda deo duryeoungabwa

There must be some things I can’t ever do
like forgetting you..
I gave you too much of my heart, so much that..
it’s almost pathetic..
If I could turn back time
I would do anything
Why didn’t I think of something like this sooner (why not)
These are all useless regrets
because everything is over now
Can I ever forget you
Can I get through this alone
Am I strong enough to endure this
and not put my fallen tears to waste
Can I try to smile
It will take as long as the time that’s already passed
but I
Why didn’t you erase every trace of you
So that it would be like nothing ever happened
I’m breathing, but I feel like I’m slowly dying (I think I am)
These are all useless regrets
because everything is over now
Can I ever forget you
Can I get through this alone
Am I strong enough to endure this
and not put my fallen tears to waste
Can I try to smile
It will take as long as the time that’s already passed
The memories are still piercing through me
with sympathetic eyes
My body is still thrashing in agony
Maybe I can’t do it
I can’t let you go
I wonder if your mind is the same as mine
I wonder if you’re hurting alone
I must still be worrying about you
I wonder if I’ve been erased from your mind
Erased forever
Should I just go and be erased forever?
Honestly, I think that’s what I’m afraid of more than saying goodbye..
-baru nyadar ini lagu enak bgd... huaaaaaaaaaa-

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

MOM by Ra.D


Cheo eum dang shi neul man nat jyo
Man na ja ma ja u reot jyo
Gi bbeo seo geu raen neun ji
seul peo seo geu raen neun ji
gi eok do na ji an ne yo

Deu ril geo shi eop seot gi e geu jeo bat gi man haet jyo
Geu reo go do geu ddaen go ma u meul mol lat jyo
A mu geot do mo reu go sa ra wan ne yo

Eom ma
I reum man bul leo do
wae i reo ke ga seu mi a peu jyo?
Mo deun geol ju go deo ju ji mot hae
a swi wo ha neun dang shin gge
mu eo seul deu ryeo ya hal ji

Eom ma
Na ye eo meo ni
Wae i reo ke nun mu ri na jyo?
Ga jang so jung han
nu gu bo da a reum da un
dang shi neun na ye
na ye eo meo ni

Him deu shyeot da neun geo i je a ra yo
Na ddae me ma ni u shyeot jyo
Geu ddaen wae geu raen neun ji
myeot beo ni na geu raen neun ji
gi eok do na ji an ne yo

Nae ja geun seon mu re neo mu gam dong ma se yo
Dang shi neun na e ge se sang eul seon mul haet ja na yo
Jal hal ge yo
Nae ga jal hal ge yo

Cheo eum dang shi nye mo seu beun gi eok hal su eop ji man
Ma ji mak mo seum ma neun jung neun nal gga ji gi eok ha get jyo
Nae mo deun mam da hae
Sa rang ham ni da

English translation

The first time I met you
I cried as soon as I saw you
Was it because I was happy?
Was it because I was sad?
I don’t even remember

Since I had nothing to give, I just accepted
Even so, at that time I didn’t know how to be thankful
I’ve been living without knowing anything

By just calling your name
why does my heart ache like this?
You’ve given me everything, you can’t give more
To you who are sorry because of that
what should I give?

My mother
Why are tears falling like this?
The most precious person
who is more beautiful than anyone else
You are my,
my mother

Now I know that it was hard for you
You had cried a lot because of me
Why I was like that back then
how many times I had done it
I don’t even remember

Please don’t be so moved by my small gift
You know you have given me the world
I’ll do well
I will do well

Though I can’t remember the first image of yours
Just your last image, I will remember till I die
With all my heart
I love you

thanks to yoseob b2st for introducing me to this song..
i'm crying when i hear this song!
and the real singer is Ra.D who also singing i'm in love and composser for 2pm i can too ^^
really, this eomma song made me crying hard T.T

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

when the door closses by doojon&dongwoon b2st


[dw] Majimak insareul naege geonnegi jeone
Aju jamkkanman meomchwoseo nal bomyeon useojwo
[dj] Jamsi nama naege bicheul jun naege
Kkeutirado nunmul dawin boigi sireoseo

[dj] Neo~
[dw] (Neoege useum jieumyeo)
[dj] Gomapdago haengbokhan chueok nega mandeureojwoseo
[dw] (Eosaekhan misoreul bitchumyeo)
[dj] Neol ireohke bonaejiman

[dj] I muni dathimyeon
Ne moseubi sarajimyeon
Harureul nunmulro salgetjiman
Neowa-ui chueok ddaemun-e honja nama
Haengbokeul deo baralge

[dw] Na jigeum i soneul nohchimyeon
Ije ddo useul il eopgetjiman
Dareun saram-ui pumeseo
Utgo isseul neol bomyeo nan useobolge

[dj] Geu saramgwa-ui gildeon inyeon-ui kkeute
Seoseo gidarigo ittdeon naran-geol arajwo
[dw] Jamsi rado geu saram saenggaki nal dae
[dj] Geuddae boda utge hal neol yaksokhae bojiman

[dw] Neo~
[dj] Naege nunmul boimyeon
[dw] Himdeuldago geusaram gyeote ibyeolman namgyeojwoseo
[dj] Meonghani ne sonjameumyeo
[dw] Neon ireohke butjabjiman

[dj] I muni dathimyeon
Ne moseubi sarajimyeon
Harureul nunmulro salgetjiman
Neowa-ui chueok ddaemun-e honja nama
Haengbokeul deo baralge

[dw] Na jigeum i soneul nohchimyeon
Ije ddo useul il eopgetjiman
Dareun saram-ui pumeseo
Utgo isseul neol bomyeo nan useobolge

[dj] Maeumi yakhaejyeosseo
Dasi neol japgi jeone
[dw] Nunmul heulril
Nal boji anke
[dj & dw] Dora boji malgoga

[dj] I muni dathimyeon
Ne moseubi sarajimyeon
Harureul nunmulro salgetjiman
Neowa-ui chueok ddaemun-e honja nama
Haengbokeul deo baralge

[dw] Na jigeum i soneul nohchimyeon
Ije ddo useul il eopgetjiman
Dareun saram-ui pumeseo
Utgo isseul neol bomyeo nan useobolge

[dj] I muni dathimyeon

[dw] Before saying your last farewell to me
Please stop for just a moment, and look at me while smiling
[dj] Stay for just a bit, you who had given me light to me
Even if it’s the end, I don’t want to show you my tears so
[dj] You~
[dw] (While putting on a smile for you)
[dj] I say thank you, for making these happy memories
[dw] (Shining with an awkward smile)
[dj] I’m sending you away like this but
[dj] When this door closes
When the image of you disappears
I’ll probably spend the day in tears
Because of the memories with you, I’m left alone
I wish that you’ll be happier
[dw] When I let go of this hand now
I’ll no longer have any reason to smile but
When I see you smiling
In another’s embrace, I’ll try to smile
[dj] At the end of your long relationship with him
Please know that it’ll be me standing there, waiting
[dw] Even if you ever get flashes of memories with him
[dj] I’ll try to promise that I’ll make you smile even more than those times but
[dw] You~
[dj] If you show me your tears
[dw] And say that it’s difficult, because there is only farewell by that person’s side
[djo] While I hold onto your hand, with a blank expression
[dw] I’m holding onto you like this but
[dj] When this door closes
When the image of you disappears
I’ll probably spend the day in tears
Because of the memories with you, I’m left alone
I wish that you’ll be happier
[dw] When I let go of this hand now
I’ll no longer have any reason to smile but
When I see you smiling
In another’s embrace, I’ll try to smile
[dj] My heart has become weak
Before I can be with you again
[dw] So that you
Won’t see me while my tears come out
[dj & dwo] Please don’t look back and just go
[dj] When this door closes
When the image of you disappears
I’ll probably spend the day in tears
because of the memories with you, I’m left alone
I wish that you’ll be happier
[dw] When I let go of this hand now
I’ll no longer have any reason to smile but
When I see you smiling
In another’s embrace, I’ll try to smile
[dj] When this door closes

well, i love this song too and they playing with piano kekekeke xDDD

hangeul & translation : b2strising
romanization : ryeonggyu

@ duniak