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Minggu, 27 Februari 2011


liat? liat skrg!
udh dijelasin kaya apa msh aja blg gitu...
udhlah, xan gk bs bohong lg dpn gw....
ini cm salah paham!!!!
ngerti gk c?
gw klo jd dy jg pasti bakalan marah!

klo gk ngerti apa maksud pembicaraan gw, gk usah ngamuk jg!
bskan dbicarain baik2?
gk tw lg lah gw mwnya gmn...
mw jauh? mauh pergi? mw ilang?
yg jelas gw udh lg apa yg gw tw....

sompretoo....susah bgd dah ah!
iya, lu ntu batu, gk bs denger omongan org!

jaellen oppa, cant you comeback?
yunnie appa roleplayer, did you watch it? did you saw it?
help me appa T.T

While saying that we would only resemble each other’s good side,
We made up our minds and ran off. -untitled song, JYJ-


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